Yugoslavia, air sports, The Aviation Association of Yugoslavia, Vazduhoplovni savez Jugoslavije – VSJ, FAIAbstract
After World War II, the accelerating demand for personal and utility aircraft gave rise to the term general aviation to describe all flying that did not fall into the category of military or scheduled air transport. Immediately before the liberation, the first aviation organization in Yugoslavia was formed in Zemun in 1944. In March 1945, the Air Force Command established the Gliding Center in Vršac, and in April classes for the first class of gliding teachers began. The first aero-clubs began to operate within the Commission for Technology and Sports, at the beginning of 1946 (later Narodna tehnika). The Aviation Association of Yugoslavia (Vazduhoplovni savez Jugoslavije – VSJ) was founded on April 25, 1948 in Belgrade. In 1950, he renewed his membership in the FAI, was unanimously accepted as a member at the 43rd general conference held in Stockholm.
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