sport, media, journalism, sports journalism, students of sports journalismAbstract
Starting from the fact that journalism in Serbia is a reflection of the times we live in, as well as the fact that the domestic scene is overloaded with tabloid discourse and the clientelistic role of the media instead of one that includes the media role as a corrective mechanism of society, it is clear what challenges many representatives of this profession to face in daily work. That dominant image shapes and broadens the attitude in society about this profession, that is, a stereotypical view that thus undeservedly includes numerous representatives who adhere to ethical standards. Therefore, as part of the journalist's guild, the media and media workers who focus on sports live in such an environment as a particularly prominent segment of society through which many others permeate, such as politics, economy, crime, etc. On the other hand, the fact is that technological changes have led to a much larger quantity, namely the possibility of a significant expansion of the body of journalists, including those specialized in sports, and therefore to increased interest in that profession, bearing in mind the rapid growth of the number of media newsrooms in general, as well as special sports newsrooms. This paper aims to form a kind of cross-section of the current situation through a series of attitudes measured on a Likert scale, videlicet insights into how, bearing in mind everything previously said, students of sports journalism in Serbia, as a specific segment of journalism, see this profession today and in the future, their place in that profession, as well as sports and media in general.
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